TPA provided civil engineering and landscape architecture design services to support the construction of a multi-use pavilion at Camp Workcoeman, a sleepaway and day camp facility operated by the Connecticut Rivers Council of Boy Scouts of America. The facility lacked a dedicated building for scouts to change when using the West Hill Pond for swimming and boating. Additionally, the lifeguard station tower was nearing the end of its service life and ready for replacement.
Locating the pavilion along the densely-wooded shore required careful evaluation of the dozens of nearby trees. Orientation of the pavilion was based on providing maximum visibility for the lifeguard tower while minimizing clearing of vegetation. Steps and an accessible ramp provide options for campers and equipment to reach the waterfront from the pavilion space. Chain link fencing defines the dedicated waterfront recreation from the rest of the camp.
In accordance with Town regulations, the pavilion manages its own stormwater through a gravel infiltration area which collects roof runoff as well as overland flow from the adjacent slope. Disturbed areas have been restored using native understory plants such as Witch-hazel, Spicebush, and Arrowwood Viburnum. Flowering Dogwoods were planting under the existing canopy to replace trees that were removed during construction. A Swamp White Oak was planted in the sunniest part of the open clearing to eventually fill in the canopy again. Rather than traditional mulch, existing leaf duff was chopped and spread to mimic the existing forest floor nearby.