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The Timexpo Museum occupies the only historic structure remaining at a corner of the old Scovill Brass Mill site, now the Brass Mill Commons Shopping Center. The small, once heavily disturbed site, is surrounded on two sides by concrete walls associated with the elevated highway (Interstate 84). The Mad River, buried below the parking lot, was exposed at one corner of the site. In addition to daylighting the river, open light wells were used throughout the parking area to restore fish habitat. The landscape surrounding the structure was designed around an Easter Island theme that related to the themes of time. travel and ocean navigation presented in the museum.  Landforms were created for sitting areas and to provide a back drop for a 40 foot Easter Island statue.  Formal terraces, informal lawn spaces, and staging for outdoor exhibits and petroglyphs were also included. 

Illustrative Site Plan for Timexpo Museum in Waterbury, CT
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